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Category:Energy & Raw materials


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Country: Peru
Region: Peru
City: Lima
Street: Av. La Arboleda Nº 110 La Molina
Phone: +51 1 3653411
Fax: +51 1 3653411
Firm Rank: 0
Our company was founded on the year 2004. Is dedicated to the advising and comercialization of products for the metallurgical industry. Our offices are located in Lima-peru We offer advice on the manufacturing of low medium and high foundry steel. Low medium and high alloy steel and gray iron castings and white iron castings. We offer advice on the designing, installation and preservation of refractories in metallurgical furnaces for fussion, termic treatmet and ladles. On ferroalloys we[...]


Country: Peru
Region: Peru
City: lima
Street: Miraflores
Phone: +51 655 8076970
Fax: +51 655 0932571
Firm Rank: 0
A company established in 2009, with over 100 workers employed. Sei Holdings is a one of the best trading companies in the globe. Our payment methods are very reliable and anti fraudulent. We deal mainly on appliances like computer and home appliances we have a subsidiary in Poland that deals in machine and automobile spare parts. Our priority is to deliver quality products and ensure quick delivery. Sei Holdings deals majorly in the importation and exportation of appliances and spare parts. Excellence[...]